For more information on the First Saturdays Devotion, please refer to our January 7th, 2023, blog post.
The final episode of the series on "The Early Martyrs" by Mrs. Anne Hope. Please take a moment to view the newest video below.
The Early Martyrs by Mrs Hope - Trailer
The Early Martyrs by Mrs Hope: Introduction and Chapter 1 - Persecution of the First Christians
The Early Martyrs by Mrs Hope: Chapter 2 - Sts Mary Magdalen, Martha, Lazarus, Joseph of Arimathea
The Early Martyrs by Mrs Hope: Chapter 3 - St James the Great
The Early Martyrs by Mrs Hope: Chapter 4 - St James the Less
The Early Martyrs by Mrs Hope: Chapter 5 - St Phillip, St Matthias
The Early Martyrs by Mrs Hope: Chapter 6 - St Peter at Rome
The Early Martyrs by Mrs Hope: Chapter 7 - St Nazarius and St Celsus
The Early Martyrs by Mrs Hope: Chapter 8 - St Peter and St Paul
The Early Martyrs by Mrs Hope: Chapter 9 - St Mark
The Early Martyrs by Mrs Hope: Chapter 10 - Sts Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, Simon and Jude
The Early Martyrs by Mrs Hope: Chapter 11 - Second Persecution
The Early Martyrs by Mrs Hope: Chapter 12 - St Flavia Domitilla
The Early Martyrs by Mrs Hope: Chapter 13 - St Andrew
The Early Martyrs by Mrs Hope: Chapter 14 - St John the Evangelist
The Early Martyrs by Mrs Hope: Chapter 15 - St Simeon
The Early Martyrs by Mrs Hope: Chapter 16 - St Ignatius
The Early Martyrs by Mrs Hope: Chapter 17 - St Clement
The Early Martyrs by Mrs Hope: Chapter 18 - St Symphorosa
The Early Martyrs by Mrs Hope: Chapter 19 - Martyrs of Lyons and Vienne
The Early Martyrs by Mrs Hope: Chapter 20 - St Felicitas and Her Sons
The Early Martyrs by Mrs Hope: Chapter 21 - St Polycarp
The Early Martyrs by Mrs Hope: Chapter 22 - Fifth Persecution
The Early Martyrs by Mrs Hope: Chapter 23 - Sts Perpetua and Felicitas